Welcome to Marriage Week International
Marriage Week International encourages the development of Marriage Week’s throughout the World.
Marriage Week draws together media, business, church, government, faith groups and in fact anyone who cares about marriage. It can be as small as a few friends reaching out to their neighbours or as much as thousands of local events taking place in bars, restaurants, community halls, and more often than not in Churches.
Marriage Week’s take place on or near Valentines Day (Feb 7-14), however increasingly Marriage Week’s are occurring at different times of the year, such as Ukraine and UK in May.
Marriage Week celebrates the vibrancy of marriage as the basis for family life.
We are convinced that marriage is a brilliant institution that all of society should celebrate. Hence Marriage Week, a time to say “Wake up. Marriage is a great idea”, and since a healthy marriage is a skill, let’s learn some new skills to turn our marriages from good to very good!
We believe that a great marriage can be learnt; just the same way as a person can learn to read a book or drive a car.
We are convinced that healthy marriage creates stability and security for couples (along with plenty of fun and laughter), and that marriage adds a stability premium to couples that is difficult to ignore.
We want to get everyone in the World talking about relationship skills, attending Marriage Week local events and remembering, for those who are married, why they fell in love in the first place.
We are distinctly orientated towards the promotion of the importance of marriage, and encouraging couples to see the benefits of adopting an “intentional” marriage. We consider that from a spiritual, physical, financial and statistical perspective, marriage provides the best possible environment for a healthy relationship to develop, or in other words it is the best choice a couple can make.
The message is very simple and that’s why it is so compelling:
“If you are fortunate to be in a marriage, you should look after it – and here are some tips to help you improve your relationship, and some signposts to organisations who can help you transform a good marriage into a great marriage.”
What's the story?